Our January 2019 Solar Works for Illinois webinar, we are grateful to have Vito Greco of Elevate Energy as our guest speaker. January 29th, 2019 | 12 Noon, Central | Future Episodes | Video | Slides
The Illinois Solar for All Program is launching in April 2019 and this webinar will answer your questions about what projects and organizations are eligible for the program. The Solar for All Program insures that low-income communities and residents benefit just as much from the Future Energy Jobs Act as other groups in Illinois. There are special carveouts for cash incentives and training grants targeting nonprofits, local governments and low income residents of Illinois to encourage them to get involved and benefit from rooftop solar and community solar projects.

Elevate Energy
Vito Greco is the Sr. Manager of Solar Programs for Elevate Energy, a nonprofit organization dedicated to designing and implementing energy programs that lower costs, protect the environment and ensure the benefits of smart energy reach those who need them most. In his role, Vito is developing strategies that accelerate solar deployment for our most critical institutions, including affordable housing, governments and nonprofits. Vito has provided strategic support for renewables deployment for the City of Chicago, the City of Detroit, Cook County, IL, the Chicago Housing Authority, as well as affordable housing owners, nonprofits and municipalities. Vito is a thought leader for low-income solar and community solar, working with stakeholders since 2016 to further solar legislation in Illinois and contribute to the implementation of the Illinois Solar for All program. Other Elevate renewables projects include energy planning for states and municipalities, solar mapping, solar valuation procurement support and solar training for contractors, real estate professionals and appraisers.
Full Transcript:
Tim Montague: I’m Tim Montague, your host, and today is January 29th, 2019. Today we’re going to be talking about the Illinois Solar for All Program. It’s great to have many people registered for our monthly Solar Works for Illinois Webinar that we do for free here at www.cecco.com/solarwebinar
Tim Montague: Today we’re diving into the Illinois Solar for All Program. This is part of the Future Energy Jobs Act, which is fueling the addition of 2,800 megawatts of distributed generation and utility scale solar in Illinois. This is big news in Illinois of course, because heretofore we only had between 100 and 200 megawatts in the entire market. this is going to be a 30 fold increase. And the the utility scale program has already launched. There’s been several reverse auctions for those. And then the distributed generation program also known as the adjustable block program or Illinois shines is launching tomorrow. applications for solar renewable energy credits are starting tomorrow in that program. That’s been long awaited future energy jobs act willing into force in the summer of 2017, anything builds a after June of 2017 is eligible for that program and then there are several segments of the program, the Illinois solar for all his is one of those.
Tim Montague: We call that a carve out and we’re going to dive into that with Vito Greco, who’s our guest today, and Vito is the senior manager of solar programs at elevate energy, a nonprofit dedicated to designing and implementing energy programs that lower costs and protect the environment and ensure the benefits of smart energy reach those who need them most. Vito is developing strategies that accelerates solar deployment for our most critical institutions, including affordable housing, government, and nonprofit. Vito has provided strategic support for renewables, deployment for the city of Chicago, the city of Detroit, Cook County, Illinois, and the Chicago Housing Authority. pleased to have you on solar works for Illinois. Welcome Vito. I know you’re very busy preparing for the launch of the Illinois solar for all programs, I really appreciate you taking some time out of your day and for everybody’s, knowledge you can go to Illinois Sfa.com to learn more about the Illinois solar for all program. There’ll be regular updates. Please do sign up for email updates where they’ll be making several announcements in the coming months. This is a program that will launch officially, I believe in April. Is that right, Vito?
Tim Montague: And what we’re going to do today is Vito is going to give about a 15 minute overview. I might ask some questions during that and then we’ll do a little more Q&A between Vito and I and our audience. You can enter your questions through the zoom app or we can, we can do those verbally as well. just raise your hand or type in a question as we go along and hopefully we can get all of your questions answered. Please understand that this program is still, the, the details of the program are still being ironed out we won’t necessarily have answers to all of your questions, but Vito is of course, the horse’s mouth, as Elevate Energy has been assigned to be the program manager for the Illinois Solar for All program, they are knee deep in, in putting this together. with that, why don’t you go ahead. Vito.
Vito Greco: Thanks for joining. I thought it’d be helpful that we can provide a high level overview of the program. I think there’s probably some initial questions on just the scope of the program is and what the eligibility is. starting with, a few high level things, just don’t understand the context of Illinois Solo for all. we, we talked about the adjustable block program which officially opens tomorrow. Their first box, and sold for all is in many ways a related program, but it’s specifically targets incentives to low income and environmental justice communities. And what it does that through, the higher values of the RECs purchased through the program. the racks available for dg and community solar, for instance in adjustable blog, you’ll see that in Illinois for all, they’re going to be markedly higher. And the idea with that is that those benefits can directly be passed on to program participants who would otherwise face barriers are.
Vito Greco: I’m taking part in the solar industry. There’s also some additional pieces to Illinois solar for all, like job training requirements. if, if you’re, if those of you are familiar with FEJA in, in, in, you know that the adjustable block program come from that piece of legislation. There’s also a lot of other parts to be including in expanded energy efficiency programs. But another piece of that is job training and specifically solar job training. there are a number of different programs that are, most of which have already launched, starting to train installers and the electricians to do solar work in this act quickly. Growing mark at what Illinois solar for all those is, it provides minimum requirements that a portion of the installations for Illinois Solo for all have to be done by graduates from these programs or, or similar qualify programs. that’ll help accelerate a workforce development and solar and Illinois, but also grassroots education piece which, provides funding to really, it’s intended for hard to reach communities across the state to understand that this is coming, understand how to access the benefits of the program. we do all we can not to leave any community is behind.
Vito Greco: a little bit about the eligibility, as Tim pointed out, this is pretty important and we are, we are about two thirds of the way through the development process for solar role. We are launching next week vendor registration, and we’re essentially a couple of months behind the adjustable block program and that’s by design because we’re kind of learning from their process and mirroring their process in many ways. we, we’re, our intention, as you mentioned, was to launch in April. We’ll launch our vendor registration point though that I wanted to bring up is that there are a number of pieces that have already been proposed and puts a as a put up for public comments. But there’s still a number of pieces in the next couple of months that needs to go through that. some of the specifics we may talk about today are currently still under review.
Vito Greco: I will try and give everyone the best indication of where we are if those are not finalized at this point. the categories of participants are residential property owners and that includes owners or renters. Basically, households of 80 percent of area median income qualify for programs that are guaranteed a minimum savings and no up-front cost was also a sub program that targets nonprofit public facilities, in conserving low income and environmental justice communities. and in general, the program has a goal of targeting 25 percent of all of the incentives to specifically serve environmental justice communities. Tim, get to the next slide.
Vito Greco: For those that qualify for Illinois solar for all of the participants see a minimum of 50 percent savings. I’m coming from these projects. Savings is seen in different ways depending on the property type and the participant. by and large, the high level definition, you can get more information at the website. And as we finalize some of the documents, but the high level is that the value that comes from the energy generated from a system, the cost to that participant has to be half or less. they see essentially a 50 percent savings based on the energy they received there, a requirement that there are no upfront cost. whether they’re doing a lease assist, an own system or PPA, it has to be structured in the way that the participants, you know, costs. There’s a, a little bit more comprehensive vendor management with Illinois sold for all.
Vito Greco: Then there is in the adjustable block program for instance, or actually onsite inspections that will be required per portion of installations and generally ongoing management of the installation and vendors. a thought it’d be helpful to, to sort of show you the different buckets of incentives available through this program. there are four definitely subprograms within Illinois solar for all. The first is distributed generation, which targets residential properties where these income eligible households. it could be a single family. There’s a two to four unit, there’s five plus units. They all qualify one to four unit building of a higher incentive than five plus unit buildings, all told that’s a, we’re looking at seven and a half million dollars a year and that sub program. what you’ll see is that the Illinois solar for all the bucket in general of incentives is significantly less than it be adjustable block program and it’s called a carve out.
Vito Greco: you know, another bucket is the nonprofit public facility or this is a $5,000,000 a year. again, nonprofit or public agencies that are in or connected to low income communities. And we’ll talk a little bit about that. that’s a question Tim brought up, that, that information or the eligibility and not finalized, but we can certainly share what will be proposed. Same savings and same requirement for go approach for those participants. Community solar is the largest 12 and a half million dollars a year and that also serves a, is intended to serve, household income eligible households. same basic savings and cost requirements. The, one of the differences here is that it does allow for anchor subscribers. You can talk a little bit more about that later and how that works. The last bucket is community solar pilots, which is right now $5 million dollars a year, but that’s actually going to be managed by the older power agencies, a procurement administrator as a competitive procurement similar to the utility scale procurement that are going on, that’s not actually manage a, in the same way as these other sub programs.
Vito Greco: keep an eye out for that. thought it’d be helpful for folks to understand some of the differences in the way this program is funded. there’s actually two categories of funds are two buckets of money. The first comes from the renewable energy resources funds and this is totally held by the state of Illinois and originally came from, alternative compliance payment from areas and there is essentially this bucket of money that is sitting with the state and the long from a renewable resource procurement plan allocates $20,000,000 a year from that bucket to Illinois whole overall. There’s also a utility hold renewable portfolio portfolios, 200 funds somewhere to just our program. These are ratepayer funds. And the, the same plan allocates $10,000,000 a year or five percent of the RPS funds per player, whichever is greater. currently we’re a, our first two years of planning out a $30,000,000 program for Illinois for all.
Vito Greco: a couple of important resources to dig in. the first is the plant I, I mentioned the long-term renewable resources procurement plans about full, we just call it the plan in a lot of our documentation that really does provide the framework for both the adjustable clock program and Illinois solar referral. all the requirements that we need to meet in administering these programs can be held in that. you can look at that plan for more specific details over these coming months as we’re preparing to launch program. And another important place for information for us as the owner sold the website. Right now there is what is essentially a splash page because some bare bones information, but it also gives you the ability to sign up for updates and announcements. I encourage you, if you are interested in learning more, to do that and stay aware of the things that are happening. I’m certainly before we close, I could share a few of the upcoming next steps. you’ll also find on the website, hopefully that gives you a good enough overview. And I’m. Tim, do you have, some initial questions that come to mind?
Tim Montague: Talk a little bit about the big picture. I just learned something new, which is great that, you know, only 10 million of your solar overall funding comes from a feature basically, and that there’s already that existing structure to, to fund solar for all. But, you know, given that we’re going to get 2,800 megawatts in between now and say 20, 25, can you tell us what chunk of that is going to be solar for all
Vito Greco: from the adaptable block program? it’s really sort of a separate bucket. then then that 2,800.
Vito Greco: And it’s difficult because we’re not thinking of it in terms of megawatt because it really is a bucket of money. But similarly, you know, there, there are broken down into different project types and different project sizes for instance. to nail down a specific number of megawatts at that’s going to produce is difficult. That’s why we’re kind of working from the $30,000,000 a year knowing that the incentives are essentially I’m here. They are very much higher than the adjustable block program. We’ll see fewer megawatts or kilowatts per dollar. It’s a fairly small program and I, I don’t even have a specific megawatt target in mind or that we have been quoting. I think at one point when we did some of the initial strategizing with the IPA, we had talked about,
Vito Greco: if, you know, if you thought about the average project size for a single family home or multifamily home or nonprofit or community solar, you can get a sense of how big these are. For instance, it could be three or four community solar projects a year. If they’re all post two megawatts, that’s, that’s about as big as bucket funds. There may be between 50 and 100 nonprofit or multifamily project each per year depending on the size and maybe 400 to 500 single family home projects or, or small multifamily depending on the size, but that’s speculation based on what we think average sized projects will be.
Tim Montague: One of the very useful things that the IPA and the adjustable block program administrator have done is published a program guide will a similar document be published by yourselves.
Vito Greco: I think with the launch of vendor registration, the draft guide will be, published as well next week. and similarly to the way it was published with the adjustable block program, because we’re still a few months away from program launch. That initial draft guide will be a partial guide, but it’ll provide enough about program overview and about the registration process and criteria for vendors we can start getting those vendors registered. But then once the program launches we will have full program. Right. And what I would also say is that there’s a lot of moving parts with Illinois solar for all that that don’t exist with adjustable block program. it’s the intention of our program designed to provide a lot of other resources and kind of hands on support from the administrator both to the vendors that are registered with the program, like trading materials and other resources and maps and tools we could talk about, but al for the public, you know, like around job trading or grassroots education, etc.
Tim Montague: I have a couple more questions, but our listeners should definitely queue up your questions in to the app or raise your hand and we can unmute you. This is a great opportunity to talk to the Vito directly and, you know, thinking from a project perspective, let’s say you’re working with a nonprofit who wants to do a solar project, you know, behind the meter, 100 kw rooftop project. What can you walk us through, what the evaluation process needs to be from the, from the project developer’s perspective?
Vito Greco: There’s a couple things, and again, I’m going to reread or reemphasize the point that because we are still a few months away, there are certainly a lot of questions that are not answered yet. we had, if you, if you have been a part of the stakeholder process up till now, you’ll know that we’ve done, we presented a number of things to the public, gotten feedback including grassroots education environment, environmental justice communities doing that, determining environmental justice communities. There’s actually a session today on program evaluation and third party evaluator and then Friday there’s another session I’m on job training, another important one or maybe a series of them will happen mid-February around eligibility and project approval. those are going to be an important pieces that will answer a lot of these questions that will get presented to the public. We’ll get feedback and incorporate that feedback into the sort of final decisions. But you specifically talked about, let’s say 100 kilowatt behind the meter project, I believe it was, was you’re talking about a nonprofit or public sector,
Tim Montague: Let’s just say nonprofit.
Vito Greco: Sure. I mean there’s a couple of different pieces there in terms of the profit that itself solar for all is going to mirror the adjustable plaque program in most ways. for instance, it’s not just mirroring, but we are working with the administrator for the adjustable black program to share data. it’s important to note as well that, well, Illinois Solar For All for will approve projects and go through a similar process for project approval. Once they’re approved, they actually go back to the adjustable block program for those contracts to get facilitated, with, with the rec contract counterparties. But in terms of the overall process from the vendor perspective, it should be pretty close. For instance, right now the adjustable blog program uses the disclosure process, which again, no launching tomorrow, but they require standard disclosures be used and the vendor will put information about the contract and the system design upfront, generate these disclosure, some generate the first part of project approval, a conditional approval. we will follow that same exact process. There’s a few additional pieces that are specific to Illinois solar for all, like the minimum savings and no upfront cost requirements has to Be part of that disclosure. And we have to be able to document that. And then of course there’s also income verification, which isn’t part of a festival block but has to happen upfront. all of that information about qualified a participants needs to be gathered and submit it upfront for that first conditional approval.
Tim Montague: Go ahead. To qualify as being in environmental justice communities. Let’s define what an environmental justice community is as far as the program is concerned,
Vito Greco: Particularly talking about nonprofit and that qualification there. we’re talking about today is what we are collectively going to propose to the public, but it is not the final eligibility. for nonprofit and public sector we had, we are proposing that the, the entity that’s getting the energy at resides in either a low income community or an environmental justice community. that’s the first criteria. The other is of course that, that they are getting the load, whether they own or rent, they, they are getting the benefits of the system, of the energy coming from the system, and see those same minimum savings and such.
Vito Greco: And then the other thing is they have to be either a critical service provider, like a, like hospital housing services. There’s a list of critical service providers that we’re suggesting and a lot of these, this is in the plan if you want to see some specific, but also if you’re not a critical service provider, there is a path that these entities can qualify. I, I’m showing community engagement that other community organizations support the installation, on this institution. it’s a little bit more convoluted in that in the sense that there’s a lot more to do to qualify this. But that’s true of a lot of Illinois solar for all. And what I would remind folks for profit and public sector, it’s a small bucket of money and it’s intended to serve these specific communities. . narrowing that definition is important. That helps
Tim Montague: The same for, for community solar, right? There’s a requirement that he beneficiaries, the subscribers to that project, are low income or EJ and environmental justice. Do you have a succinct definition of EJ (Environmental Justice) for the program?
Vito Greco: I’m going to make a clarifying point and then I’ll answer your question about how to determine the EJ community. The first is that while we’re proposing for nonprofit public sector, the idea that these facilities are located within low income or environmental justice communities, that’s the only place in Illinois sold for all where there is a hard requirement to be in an EJ qualification overall or residential households is based on income not on where they are. if you’re an 80 percent or less AMI (adjusted median income), whatever your area median income is, you could be anywhere in the state. You don’t need to be in a specific density community of low income. You don’t need to be in an EJ community. If you qualify an income, you could be anywhere in the state. that’s the first thing that’s important. However, one of the ways, because we had talked about the idea that at the adjustable block for is doing a lottery because they, you know, for instance with community solar, there are far more projects in the interconnection few that can be satisfied with the existing blocks for this, this cycle.
Vito Greco: they had proposed a lottery system to fulfill any block that is oversubscribed for Illinois solar for all, what, what we, we had not, we don’t have a formal proposal got that. We’re going to present to the public and it’s certainly not finalized, but we had talked about the idea that rather than have a lottery system, that the project would prioritize projects on any number of points. For instance, being located within an environmental justice community. while there’s no requirement at the participant level to be in those communities, projects could be prioritized or in any number of ways. And you’re in a low income community having a higher than a higher job training qualified, trainees on installation. that could be how environmental justice impacts qualifications specifically. Well, we will provide and is a map of in an interactive map of environmental justice communities where you can look for specific census blocks.
Vito Greco: There will also be an address lookup tool you can actually look up any address across the state and it’ll tell you yes or no. We did a session about a week and a half ago where we shared our proposed environment and environmental justice methodology. In fact, I was pretty much prescribed in the Long Term Plan, with a few minor changes or not necessarily changes for the player, but interpretations of the methodology. We also proposed a self-designation process where data may not be definitive. A community can self-identify by going through a standardized process that is still up for comments. The comments are due, I believe by February 7th. You can go to our website and find that original presentation along with the session recording and it’ll tell you how to submit comments. that will get final comments on the seventh and we will finalize that process. I’m certain before program launches, we’re looking to get our initial proposed EJ community tool up as a sort of draft tool to help people and particularly vendors who are registering understand how it works and where we’re at right now with EJ communities. But that will certainly change or is likely to change based on feedback.
Tim Montague: we have a question from one of the listeners. Jeff asks, will the nonprofit that serves low income and minority residents in a relatively affluent county where it is located and its clients do not all live in low income or minority census blocks have access to the ISF? here we have a nonprofit that serving low income communities and a participants, to speak in their program, but they themselves are not necessarily embedded in a low income community. Would that nonprofit by eligible?
Vito Greco: What we had proposed, and I shared a few minutes ago, that definition would not include an organization like that because they’re not the facility that is taking the energy is not what’s in a low income area. We require that be an environmental justice community.
Tim Montague: Okay.
Vito Greco: However, all of the people they work with would, would qualify their constituents still qualify regardless of where they live based on their income.
Tim Montague: Sure. if I’m a solar installer looking at commercial industrial behind the meter projects for local governments and nonprofits, I need to be very careful about the geography, the location of those entities physically. Right? But there’s al there’s also some training requirements. Can you talk to that specifically on, on projects?
Vito Greco: Sure. There was another session and another session this Friday on job training requirements. It’s a webinar. There’s also an in person component you can do either or other simultaneous. I encourage you to take part in that because there’s a lot of details to be hard to cover here, but broadly speaking, the legislation calls for a portion of the hours work on, on all in Illinois, solar installations be done. I qualified trainees. And what that means is there are, first of all, FEJA, I had three buckets of training programs that were funded, one was the solar pipeline program which trains installers and, and, and, and in solver contractors for solar installation. And there is a, a craft apprenticeship program which is administered by IBEW (Local 134) which is a training for the next generation electricians for solar installation. There was another one called the multicultural cultural program, which is a bucket of I think six different programs.
Vito Greco: and all of these programs, I want to say if there’s 12 to 15 different training programs across the state, all of the trainings that come from them are qualified trainees. there’s a, there’s also a way that other programs, for instance, that lead to certification or an electrician certification attorney admin certification will also qualify as long as they were in Illinois. I’m like, all these programs produce these qualified graduates and what the program says. The way the long is interpreted, it was to say I’m all Illinois solar for all projects at any given a vendor approved vendor must have a certain percentage of hours performed id qualified graduates. That number increases every year. for instance, in the first year it’s twenty percent in the second year, I’m, excuse me, the first year it’s 10 percent. In the second year it’s 20 percent. In the third year it’s 33 percent of all installation art form ids, qualified trainees.
Vito Greco: we recognize also that these approved vendors may be working with subcontractors. then those subcontractors can have those trainings on staff and qualify that project. There’s another specific requirement for dg. for residential projects, it is at least one training needs to be a 33 percent of the project. these are not insignificant amounts of hours and it’s a lot of details. again, I would encourage you to, at the very least, look at the materials for the session on Friday if you can’t join or go back and watch the video later, if you have questions about the specifics,
Tim Montague: there’s a lot to digest. And I guess that is generally a, a concern that, that we have certainly here at continental is that the, that the requirements are just administratively very onerous. How do we, how do we transcend that and make it practical to really serve the demand which is abundant. You know, there’s, there’s plenty of nonprofits and local governments that want to do solar projects, but from, from then the installer’s perspective to guarantee that they can meet all of those rigorous requirements. do you have any thoughts about that over and above the job training or specific to job training?
Tim Montague: Well, including the job training. I mean, finding those trainees… I’m glad you mentioned the IBEW program. We are an IBEW contractor and I know local 134 (Chicago/Cook County) has been running a program led by Harry Ohde and we’re grateful for that. The number of trainees being produced by that program though, is pretty small. It’s my understanding that it’s on the order of maybe a few dozen and you think of Illinois. It’s a very, very big state. Those trainees get spread out and employed very quickly.
Vito Greco: It’s true, that you can have a good year of, of producing the qualified trainees. you will see multiple cohorts coming from these programs before Illinois solar for all launches. and you know, with the fall of 15 programs, we’re hoping that there is, a significant pool of qualified trainees coming from these feeder programs. There is al again, a provision where other programs outside of these feature program would, would meet the qualification. And again, if there’s, there’s a fair amount of details, but for instance, those programs that lead to certification of nap, sap, it would be qualified if they happen to live in Illinois electrical journeyman and there’s other community college programs that can qualify. I’m, you could look up specific for those categories of other qualified job training programs because that opens up the pool significantly.
Vito Greco: I mean, there was a concern that, you know, the sheer number of graduates that come from these programs may not be enough, but there’s also the geography and that these programs are not going to cover every quarter of the state. There are certainly going to be gaps and we’re concerned about that and watching it closely, but between allowing for these other programs. and then, and then also allowing waivers, for that requirement what is justified. We’re trying to make it it’s not impossible or not too onerous. We haven’t figured out what that, that waiver process is. But I think you’d certainly be considering that if it truly is possible to meet these requirements or too burdensome that a waiver, it could be the right thing to do. but we’ve, we’ve been also thinking about how that may be a, a, you, we’re thinking about some sort of restrictions on how to do, how I’m going to do a waiver. For instance, if there’s no training program within a hundred miles of a site that the bar is significantly lower for qualifying for a waiver. Then if you’re in the Chicago metro area, there are six programs available in a couple of hundred dollars
Vito Greco: I think that there are a lot of challenges, but I think these incentives in many cases are two or three times which are getting for the adjustable block, and, and, and there are a lot of unique, barriers and needs in these communities and, and, and those consumer protections and those requirements are important. And for those who are familiar with, for instance, energy efficiency programs and the income eligible energy efficiency programs, those requirements are, are important and they work.
Tim Montague: Sure. I just want to wrap up by saying, you know, this is a program that is designed to ensure that the incentives related to FEJA do get distributed around the state and that a low income communities benefit just as much as everybody else. You know, the hard fact is that solar is an expensive, relatively expensive technology still for the everyday. And it is, it is very important that there is this program, the solar for all program and we look forward to seeing the guidebook. Remind us, Vito, when will the guidebook be published or when is it anticipated?
Vito Greco: Sure. A couple of key milestones here, again, today actually at 2:00 there’s a webinar on program evaluation and third party evaluators. Friday 2:00, there’s a session on job training requirements. These are webinars, right, is actually an impersonal in a webinar. Next week we will be launching the vendor registration for Illinois for all and we will have a partial or draft manual available then that’ll help a, a program over you and how to register and all the otherwise the program launches in April, bargaining the beginning of April and we’ll have a full manual or guidebook available before launch. Will also be expanding the website. I’m a significantly with next week’s launch. and I would also say look in mid-February for a session or multiple sessions on eligibility and project approval requirements, which are going to be pretty important pieces.
Tim Montague: Okay. We have one straggler question and then I’m going to go to a announcements and then we’ll wrap up. A listener asks, can developers claim the benefits from the solar for all program on residential PPA arrangements?
Vito Greco: Yeah. our, our, you know, will work fine. I like it up a block program, PPA system owner, ownership models, even lease models can work as long as the, the, the homeowner or the participant sees have a savings threshold of 50 percent. And remember the incentives are increased to include that 50 percent savings. total work. And with the PPA meeting, the no upfront cost payments is a lot easier as well.
Tim Montague: l Okay, good. Well thanks everybody for your questions and for attending today. I want to make a few upcoming announcement on February 26, everything you wanted to know about our net zero future with Cathy Higgins of the new building institute. New building institute is focused on net zero construction for the marketplace. And then in March on March 26th will they have a program on zero energy homes coming soon to a neighborhood near you. And that’s what the net zero energy coalition. looking forward to, giving our audience more content on net zero, which of course is the foundation, for solar ready facilities. And solar is a big part of that as well. With that, I want to thank our, our guest speaker Vito Greco of elevate energy. Thank you much for making time for us today, Vito and please to everybody out there, go to Illinois sfa.com and learn about the program and sign up for updates. with that, thank you very much and we’ll see you next month.